Apps/Export Forum steamcommunity by tread

Export Forum steamcommunity by tread

With our exporting tool, you can easily gather comments within a certain discussion on a Steam forum. All you need to do is to give us the link to the needed discussion, and we will do the rest for you.

Steam thread URL. You can try example URL:SteamClientBeta
E-mailSpecify to receive an e-mail with the results
Export Forum steamcommunity by tread
With our exporting tool, you can easily monitor Steam forum and export the needed discussions that can help you improve your product or get customers’ feedback. Provide the link to the required discussion, and we will do the rest.
Discussion URLEmail
Discussion commentsAuthorDate+ 2 more
Here, you'll find a clear, step-by-step guide tailored to help you efficiently export valuable insights from comments that can help you gather meaningful data about your product.
SemanticForce Create Steam forum workflow
Create Steam forum workflow
SemanticForce Gather data
Gather data
SemanticForce Download the comments gathered in an Excel file
Download the comments gathered in an Excel file
SemanticForce Send file to e-mail
Send file to e-mail
With Steam forum exporter, you can:
  • Export forum comments within a certain discussion and obtain the results in an easy-to-use CSV file.
  • Gain valuable insights into your audience's opinions about your product.
  • Create effective strategies to enhance your offerings and engage a broader user base.

You never know when the insights you've gathered might come in handy. That's why our tool organizes all your extracted data into a neatly structured Excel file. You can download and review the information anytime it’s needed.

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Our tool automatically scans and extracts comments from a certain Steam forum discussion you mention, allowing you to gather targeted insights fast as well as with minimal effort.

We will gather the extracted comments in a CSV file. For years, we have made sure that this is the most appropriate format that allows our clients view, analyze, and integrate the information into their reports for further use.

By analyzing the comments, you can identify recurring issues, suggestions, or positive feedback. This can help you develop strategies for product improvements, addressing customer concerns, and enhancing user satisfaction.