Apps/Export Public Telegram Channel Posts

Export Public Telegram Channel Posts

With our tool, you can export posts from any public telegram channel. You only need to provide a link to the needed channel, and our tool will do this for you.

Telegram public channel URL. You can try example URL:Telegram
E-mailSpecify to receive an e-mail with the results
Export Public Telegram Channel Posts
With our Telegram public channel exporting tool, you can gather all the posts that were published in a matter of a few moments, study and analyze the audience reactions and their activities.
Telegram Channel LinkEmail
DateTitleText+ 7 more
Follow these simple steps to effectively gather the needed information.
SemanticForce Provide a Telegram public channel link
Provide a Telegram public channel link
SemanticForce Wait until Pavuk collects the data
Wait until Pavuk collects the data
SemanticForce Download comments in an Excel file
Download comments in an Excel file
SemanticForce Send file to e-mail
Send file to e-mail
With our Telegram Public Channel Exporter, you can:
  • Easily export posts from a public channel, having all them gathered in a CSV file.
  • See how the audience has interacted with the content.
  • Learn what kind of content hooks your audience and which posts remain aside.

With our exporting tool, you receive an Excel document you can use offline. Thus, it is not obligatory to have a stable internet connection to open the exported posts when the need arises.

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Open the Telegram public channel exporting tool, provide a link to the needed Telegram channel, and wait till Pavuk AI collects the data for you. The, download the file and enjoy the results.

With our exporting tool, you will receive an Excel file with the following information: the post content, date, and number of likes.

Pavuk AI complies with the actual law, and we do not hack private channels. You only can receive posts shared via public channels that are open-access for all users.