How to Export Comments from Reddit Threads


Follow this step-by-step guide to quickly gather comments from a Reddit thread. With Pavuk AI, you can export comments from a particular thread in a few clicks.

Step 1. Open the Reddit App

Open Pavuk AI on your computer and log in. Then, open the Reddidt app and move to the next step.

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Step 2. Visit the Thread Page and Copy the URL

Open the needed Reddit thread in a new tab and copy the link.


Paste the link into the search box and let our tool collect the data for you. It may take a few minutes to collect the information. You can wait in the app or close it, and Pavuk will notify you via email when the exporting is complete.


Step 4. Download the File

As soon as the document is ready, you can download it from your personal profile. Visit the Downloads page and get the Excel file.


Accidentally removed the file from your computer? No worries! Once you have exported the comments, you can easily access the file whenever you need it again. All your exports are stored in your personal profile on our website. Visit the “Downloads” page and load the file again if needed.

What Data You Get?

Exporting comments from a Reddit thread with the help of Pavuk AI, you will receive an Excel file with the following data:

  • Date. The publication date. 
  • Comment. The text of the comment. 
  • URL. The link to the comment.
  • Likes. The number of likes under the thread and comments.
  • Profile. The link to the author’s profile.
  • Author. The name of the author. 

How to Work with the Exported Information?

Excel has many functions and built-in tools to help you interact with the collected data. Let's look at a couple of them. 

  • Filtering. The gathered data is accessible to sort through and navigate.
  • Availability of distinct information. To work with specific data, you can pick and arrange several rows or columns as needed.
  • Formulas. Excel provides the ability to organize, analyze, and compute the collected data using a variety of formulas.
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