Export YouTube Stream Chat & Comments
Use our tool to export chat messages and comments from any YouTube stream, and we will collect all the needed data for you in a single Excel file. You will get chat messages, comments, authors’ profiles, dates, and the number of likes.

With our YouTube stream chat and comments exporter, you will get all the comments and messages gathered in one Excel file, which you can reach whenever needed.
Provide a link to the required stream, and our tool will collect comments left by your audience for you. Exporting such comments will take just a few moments, but you can use the received data to your benefit.
With our tool, you will receive an Excel document with all the chat messages and comments left under your stream with authors’ names, publishing dates, and number of likes.
It depends on the type of subscription you have. With Pavuk AI, you are not limited to a particular number of comments you can export at a time. You can gather as many comments as posted under the needed stream if the number does not contradict your subscription limitations.