Apps/Export Google Maps Reviews

Export Google Maps Reviews

Unlock customer insights with ease to Excel or CSV file Our Google Maps Reviews Exporter streamlines the process, saving time and eliminating manual copy-pasting.

Sample:Sera Ella Water Fall
E-mailSpecify to receive an e-mail with the results
Export Google Maps Reviews
Our Google Maps Reviews Export service is the go-to tool for simplifying the extraction of valuable insights from your online reputation. The downloadable file includes review text, ratings, user names, locations, publication dates, and more.
Google Maps LinkEmail
DateTitleText+ 7 more
Personalize your journey with our Google Maps Reviews Workflow. Effortlessly gather, analyze, and export insights in CSV format for informed decisions.
SemanticForce Specify Google Maps URL
Specify Google Maps URL
SemanticForce Collect reviews
Collect reviews
SemanticForce Create Excel file
Create Excel file
SemanticForce Send file to e-mail
Send file to e-mail
With google maps reviews exporter, you can:
  • Export reviews from Google Maps: Deliver results in a user-friendly CSV file, improving your business's online presence with positive reviews.
  • Maintain an Up-to-Date Review Database: Never miss valuable user feedback or discussions.
  • Gain Insights into Location-Specific Trends: Understand customer preferences for informed decision-making in your city and region.
  • Retreive data via robust REST API.
  • Send data to Zapier or

Unlock the potential of Pavuk AI's Google Maps Reviews Exporter. Export, analyze, and enhance your online reputation effortlessly.

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Log in on our website, choose the Google Maps app, paste the link to the location, and download the file.

With the help of Pavuk AI, you will get all the reviews gathered in one Excel file or an API.

Of course! Pavuk AI operates within the bounds of Google's terms of service. Exporting reviews with our tool is absolutely legal because we collect open-accessed reviews. We highly value people’s privacy and never even try to access the information that is secured.

Sure! As long as the business you are looking for has public reviews on Google Maps, Pavuk AI can export those reviews.

No, exporting reviews with the help of Pavuk AI does not affect a company’s visibility or ranking on Google Maps. We just export the information that was published.